Friday, July 11, 2008

Showers galore!!

Well, this baby is sure to be spoiled..... even though both of us have been "out babied" by our younger sisters, there still seems to be enough spoiling to go around!! On both sides of the family!
The showers began the first week of June and ended the last..... Mary Beth threw me a beautiful one in Davis. We had fun games like WHO could drink the most from a baby bottle? Mary was the champion there!
Then Ali had one for me in Fresno, which of course was wonderful. Tons of people were there including Joan and Aunt Ann from down south!! I got so much stuff that it barely fit in my truck! And Ali was generous in allowing me to borrow lots of her stuff. I'm very proud to now have the BASSINET that was MINE when I was a baby.... as well as just about all the babies in the O Hare family! Then, Teri at work had a party for me.... it's so nice feeling loved and supported..... Bradshaw Vet is like a family to me after over 14 years! And last but not least, Nina had a shower full of amazing food and lots of children, ranging from 2 months old to Zech, who's 6 or 7 now..... Rob and I are so blessed to have so much support!!

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