Monday, July 28, 2008

THE NIGHTS........

Why did God make babies so cute? So that moms and dads could tolerate those nights!! My first night with Brianna in the hospital was so long and so difficult. She was suckling like crazy but hardly getting anything since my milk hadn't yet come in. That made her frustrated so she sucked harder and more frantically and would burst out screaming at times just to let me know what she thought of all this "life outside the womb" thing! As a brand new mom, I had no idea what to do to appease her.... change her diaper, let her nurse more, take her clothes off, put them back on? What do you want little one? It's really hard emotionally on a new mother to hear their little precious baby cry and not know what to do.... She finally dozed off at 3 am and I was afraid to move or even breath!! Lest I wake her up!! When light came around that morning I was soooooo relieved, especially when my dad arrived and I promptly handed her off to her Papa..... she then proceeded to be an angel the rest of the day! ; )

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