Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Domer, my friend; remembered

The passing of the baton..... On Sunday Aug 31st, 2008 I put Domer down. It was exactly 4 years since I moved into this place that he so faithfully sheparded. I knew it was time, because he became unable to get up....and if he couldn't get up, he couldn't protect the place. That was his passion. He diligently would always choose to hang out with Sutter when she was tied up or in the pen... a constant companion. Domer was my buddy from childhood into adulthood. He met Happy, my childhood dog, and was around to meet Brianna, my adorable daughter. He was my partner through vet school and through my 12 years of being a veterinarian. He was the constant in my ever changing life. I will miss him dearly, but know that he is in a place where all his limbs work and he can run like crazy..... and I know that I will someday see him in heaven!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Dr. Hodgson:
Thank you so much for sharing your blog with me. I am so sorry about your loss of Precious Domer. I know that the pain of their loss is overwhelming. Christopher has been gone for over 17 months yet the pain of his loss feels as if he left yesterday. These Precious Angels bring so much Joy into our lives and when they leave it is so terribly hard to move forward without them by our side. The one thing I have learned from Christopher's loss is that our babies will always be with us because:
Angels are Forever; God Never Takes Them Away.

Brianna is absolutely adorable. I am so excited for you and Rob. When I saw that she was born on the 20th of the month I knew that she was an Angel sent from above. Christopher was an Angel sent from God and he left this earth for Rainbow Bridge on March 20th. That means that the 20th day of the month is reserved for Angels
:0) Enjoy every moment of Brianna's life as before you know it she will be grown and gone.

Thank you for everything you did for Christopher. You too are an Angel sent from Above.

Georgeann and Christopher